Hadassah, a young Jewish woman transforms into Queen Esther and by putting her own life in danger and winning the respect of the king, saves her people from a massacre.
This is the second time that One Way Productions has produced Esther; it is one of my favorite stories because it speaks of God’s providence. How one orphaned girl is used to spare the Jews is nothing short of God’s handiwork. Esther could have refused her calling, but instead she responds courageously even at the threat of death. It is that spirit of dying to self for the greater good which is admirable and resonates with me. My hope is that this story inspires you and moves you to answer your calling whatever that may be.
The true story of Holocaust survivor Corrie ten Boom.
The Ten Boom family joins the underground resistance to help save persecuted Jewish families from the Nazis.
Based on the book by Corrie ten Bloom, Elizabeth and John Sherrill.
The Hiding Place might be thought of as a work which addresses one of the world’s oldest problems – the problem which appears to us as occasions of unmerited suffering. I say, “appears to us” because such occurrences cause us to question why, and the answer is often elusive. The Hebrew Book of Job, which is counted among the world’s most magnificent pieces of literature, is an excellent example of how one man attempted to understand the evil that befell him. The Hiding Place is important because it raises in our minds the same question. But the events which framed this story occurred in our time and some of the people who experienced them lived to tell us of their experiences. What I have found most interesting about this story is that neither Corrie Ten Boom, nor her sister Betsie, appear to ask why this happened to them. Instead, they focused on what good could be achieved in the midst of the evil they experienced. Like the Book of Job, the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen are revealed at the end of the trial. The scope of our vision is widened, and while it must be confessed that much remains a mystery, there is perspective that provides increased understanding.
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